Thursday, May 20, 2010

The start of a new blog!

Hola Hola Hola! Hello World and welcome to my first blog using the one and only If you havn't figured it out by now, my name is William, but please, call me Big Will, or Will, or William, even Fred! But call me what ever you feel is most comfortable, BIG WILL! Seriously, It's your call!

I'm new to this whole blog business, but I feel as though I am getting the hang of this. In no time soon, I will have the BEST BLOG IN THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHAH! Ok, maybe not, but I'm sure it'll be good. I will do all I can to make these blogs as intereting as possible. I will even try to add future features such as, well, I'll tell you when I figure it out. My number one goal is that everyone feels involved, and no one feels left out. Except for anyone whos name starts with Jon. Just kidding, Everyone, feel at home!

Hope you enjoy these blogs. I know I will. Loads of work and time and work and time and work and. . . What was I saying? Oh yeah, I will put lots of effort into this blog to hopefully make your day! Or at least your 5 minutes of reading this. Enjoy!

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