Monday, May 24, 2010

Cool School Game!

Hola Guys! Big Will is back! In order to have you guys feel at virtual home, I want to let you in on some cool things happening at schools. In my school, we came up with this new game. It's very strategical and educational. Who knew learning can be fun. . . . Never thought I would say that . Any way, Take a look, I will post a link to another blog that has more information. So, maybe you can come up with your own game for your school, who knows! I don't.

Also, I am trying these new gadgets and messing with these settings to try to make this blog better. So, take a look!

The Game

The I.S.P Civilization Project game is an innovative game created by the teachers in the Integrated Studies Program (ISP). This game offers many opportunities for students to learn and understand how much work is necessary to build and maintain a civilization. The objective of this game is to become the top civilization by achieving world conquest. Groups can build their population daily, form alliances, and even declare wars.

This game starts of with groups composed of 6 people. Each group must select a group location, group name, group leader(s), and a type of government. The groups must also have a representitive for subjects, such as the following: Freshman Science, Biology, Algebra I, and Algebra II. In order for a group to advance their civilization, a group is required to complete certain activities that involve science, math, and language arts. By doing so, groups will be able to unlock certain technologies that will make it easier for growth, development, and expansion.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Red White Blue, From me to You!

Hello World! How's it going!? Fine! Don't Answer! Never wanted to talk to you any way . . . . . . . Just Kidding. Well, for those of you who don't know and for those who already know, I'm Big Will! Soooooo Hola! If you have been looking through this blog, which I know you have, right? Well you may have noticed different colors. Maybe Red, White, or even Blue! Sound familiar? Ok i'll give you a hint.

Have you figured it out yet? Well, if you guessed the United States, then your partially right. Awsome! Now your prize is the right answer! Ready! Puerto Rico! Yup, the beautiful Island of Puerto Rico is where all the colors come from! Well, not literally, but you know what I mean. I will be happy to inform you with information about P.R. But, not now. For now, feel free to explore!

Something New!

Hola again! Big Will is in the blog! Remember when I said I will add features to this blog. Well, that is what im going to do. Or try, which ever one is easiest. I don't know exactly what type of things I will do, but that's the fun part! If anyone has any comments on how I should approach this, then STAY QUITE! Just kidding, feel free to post. So until later, ¡Buena suerte!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The start of a new blog!

Hola Hola Hola! Hello World and welcome to my first blog using the one and only If you havn't figured it out by now, my name is William, but please, call me Big Will, or Will, or William, even Fred! But call me what ever you feel is most comfortable, BIG WILL! Seriously, It's your call!

I'm new to this whole blog business, but I feel as though I am getting the hang of this. In no time soon, I will have the BEST BLOG IN THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHAH! Ok, maybe not, but I'm sure it'll be good. I will do all I can to make these blogs as intereting as possible. I will even try to add future features such as, well, I'll tell you when I figure it out. My number one goal is that everyone feels involved, and no one feels left out. Except for anyone whos name starts with Jon. Just kidding, Everyone, feel at home!

Hope you enjoy these blogs. I know I will. Loads of work and time and work and time and work and. . . What was I saying? Oh yeah, I will put lots of effort into this blog to hopefully make your day! Or at least your 5 minutes of reading this. Enjoy!